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Weekly Health + Wellness Intentions

Is it just me, or did the first week of May fly by?! Actually, this year is flying! Each week, I set out intentions for how I'm going to implement self love and care. For example, I look at the weather report and plan my look for each day, which excites me, but always ends up being subject to change! I schedule my family's meals in order to save time and keep me from making impulsive food buys on the way to soccer practice. This year, I began making a more concerted effort in investing in my holistic health. I've been consistent in my workouts, which has been an amazing outlet for my emotional health and well-being. I've also been committed to finding out what helps my body look and feel its absolute best. I have what is considered sub-clinical hypothyroidism; which means my blood work often shows levels that are indicative of hypothyroidism (under-active thyroid), along with the symptoms that accompany the condition. Because of the fluctuation in range, however, my doctors won't prescribe thyroid medication. As a result, I have found holistic ways to help my immune system thrive, thus helping my thyroid function as it is intended. I am, by no means, a doctor, but I have read, researched and consulted others who've done the same to find a solution that works for me. For the past two months, I've been drinking Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar each morning after my wake-up glass of water to kickstart my adrenal glands and address inflammation. Before I go to bed, I make myself a Turmerlicious Golden Milk (Turmeric) Latte. I love the Turmerlicious mixture because it adds black pepper and cinnamon in the blend to aide in absorption of the turmeric. In between those two beverages, I am constantly drinking water and eating fibrous, leafy greens and juicy, seasonal fruit. The soundness of my sleep and energy levels throughout the day haven't been this good since before pregnancy and I am quite the happy girl, as a result!

We each have components of our life that we want to improve upon and I want to give you this Monday morning encouragement: love yourself exactly where you are, but make the investment in yourself in order to become who and where you want to be. I am making strides, daily, to be in the best health I've ever been in. Some days, the investment I make in myself is adding an extra 15 minutes in my daily walk to deeply breathe in the fresh air. Other days, I make sure I am not allowing the stress of my day job to lead me to an immoderate consumption of refined sugars. (Hello Häagan Dazs Chocolate + Peanut Butter ice cream!) Every day, I remind myself to forgive, smile, love myself and others with reckless abandon and intentional grace and to not allow my outfit to outshine my spirit! I focus on making positive choices that my heart, mind, body and soul will appreciate instead of putting the spotlight on my list of what-not-to-dos. The shift in perspective has relieved tremendous amounts of self-imposed pressure I've faced and has increased my quality of life as I pursue beauty, from the inside-out. If no one has told you today, allow me to be the first: you are fearfully + wonderfully made (Psalm 139). You are worth a passionate and fierce pursuit of love. You are not defined by the way you comb your hair or the stylish clothes you wear (I love a good DeBarge song)! You can take control of your health and well-being and owe it to yourself to make that very important investment of self-love. 

Let me know what your health + wellness intentions for the week/month/year are and let's support each other on the journey! xx