Drawing the Line

Christmas is right around the corner, oh my!

Okay, where did 2017 go? One of my aunts told me as I was growing up that life will go slowly until 21, and then it speeds up. No truer words, beauties, no truer words!

I am so happy to be back in the U.S. for two weeks soaking up my friends, family and foodie fun! Somehow in all of the busyness of this season, I managed to steal a few moments away to breathe in the goodness of this year, breathe out the ensnaring thoughts and reactions that remain within and to set my intention for 2018.

For the last ten years, I can honestly say that I have been hit with blow after blow after blow. Life has happened to me and I have made both positive and negative choices that have influenced and impacted "life" happening. As I reflect on this year, however, one decision that I am thankful that I've made and will continue to make is the choice to keep standing. 

About four years ago, I met a group of dynamic women who infused life, inspiration, healthy challenge and a flow of encouragement like I never had before. One of those women is named Meredith and her friendship has been anchoring for me. In my video blogs, you'll hear me speak about the friends who walk in the fire with you and friends who are still there once you come out of the fire. She is the epitome of this! 

In our multitude of coffee chats, she has seen me sad, angry, joyous, insecure and hopeful. She has been a safe place for me as I've navigated through shame and poor decisions, and always provided an empathetic ear. Most importantly, there has never been a conversation I've had with her where she has been afraid to challenge me to come higher. Whether that meant to recognize unhealthy relationships and corresponding self beliefs and take a different path, or to feel, grieve and heal, she has been a constant source of truth and self-fidelity.

I've had the opportunity to glean from her lessons that are unique to our friendship and one of the greatest lessons has been to love myself and to set an active intention, daily, to move forward.

As I look at 2018 on the horizon, my intention is to leave 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 behind. I embrace the lessons they've taught me about myself, commitment in love, forgiveness, reconciliation, motherhood, wisdom, responsibility, business, strengths, weaknesses, joys and sorrow, but they are officially behind me. The weight has become too heavy to carry and I want to move forward completely free to love my life and the goodness that God has given me in it!

We only have this one life that goes by in a snap, and I choose to live it fully. To not just get back up with a limp after falling, but get back up with an even greater tenacity. I choose to keep chasing down my dreams and hopes, jumping over the hurdles of fear, insecurity and brokenness that try to derail my progress. I choose to live and live my life abundantly, in alignment with the faith I live by.

Take a moment to yourself as the year closes, reflect, smile, hope, dream again, let go, have a coffee chat with a life-giving friend and set your intention for the upcoming year. Draw the line in the sand between your past--even if its simply yesterday--and the bright future in front of you. The best is truly yet to come! xx

With love and transparency,